Javascript: PopUnder/PopUp-Skript mit Reload-Sperre

Aufgrund zahlreicher PopUp-Blocker macht ein PopUp und PopUnder nur Sinn, wenn man diesen in einer Interaktion verwendet, z. B. beim Klick auf einen Link. Dort schlagen in der Regel keine PopUp-Blocker an.

Die folgenden beiden Javascript-Funktionen beinhalten sogar eine Reload-Sperre via Cookie, so dass pro User der PopUnder/PopUp nur einmal pro Stunde angezeigt wird.

<script type="text/javascript">
 * PopUnder function
 * @param string - strUrl Url to popUnder content
 * @param string - strTitle Window title
 * @param int - intWidth Width of popUnder window
 * @param int - intHeight Height of popUnder window
 * @param string - strCookieName Name of reload block cookie
function popUnder(strUrl,strTitle,intWidth,intHeight,strCookieName) {   
    // Get cookie for reload block
    var strCookieValue = document.cookie;
    var strPattern = eval('/'+strCookieName+'=true/i');
    // Check cookie
    if (!strCookieValue.match(strPattern)) {
        // Set cookie for reload block
        var objDate = new Date();
        objDate = new Date(objDate.getTime()+1000*60*60); // Reload block for 1 hour
        document.cookie = strCookieName+'=true; expires='+objDate.toGMTString()+';';         
        // Set position
    	var intLeft = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-intWidth)/2 : 100;
        var intTop  = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-intHeight)/2 : 100;
        // PopUnder parameter
    	var strParameter = 'width='+intWidth+',height='+intHeight+',top='+intTop+',left='+intLeft+',scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no,dependent=no';
    	var objWindow =,'',strParameter);
        // Set popUnder in the background 
<a href="#" onclick="popUnder('','PopDown',800,600,'reloadCookie'); return false;">Klick here to open popUnder</a><br />
JavaScript: Das umfassende Handbuch für Einsteiger, Fortgeschrittene und Profis


<script type="text/javascript">
 * PopUp function
 * @param string - strUrl Url to popup content
 * @param string - strTitle Window title
 * @param int - intWidth Width of popup window
 * @param int - intHeight Height of popup window
 * @param string - strCookieName Name of reload block cookie
function popUp(strUrl,strTitle,intWidth,intHeight,strCookieName) {   
    // Get cookie for reload block
    var strCookieValue = document.cookie;
    var strPattern = eval('/'+strCookieName+'=true/i');
    // Check cookie
    if (!strCookieValue.match(strPattern)) {
        // Set cookie for reload block
        var objDate = new Date();
        objDate = new Date(objDate.getTime()+1000*60*60); // Reload block for 1 hour
        document.cookie = strCookieName+'=true; expires='+objDate.toGMTString()+';';         
        // Set position
    	var intLeft = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-intWidth)/2 : 100;
        var intTop  = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-intHeight)/2 : 100;
        // Popup parameter
    	var strParameter = 'width='+intWidth+',height='+intHeight+',top='+intTop+',left='+intLeft+',scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no,dependent=no';
    	var objWindow =,'',strParameter);
        // Set popup in the foreground 
<a href="#" onclick="popUp('','PopUp',800,600,'reloadCookie'); return false;">Klick here to open popup</a>
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